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"Knocked down, not Out..."

"What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger," is easy to say to someone who is in the middle of a trying time, but when you are going through hell and your world seems like it is ending, often you don't want to hear that old saying. There is nothing more frustrating, in those times, than being consoled by someone who is clueless to your struggles.

It is so easy to give advice and everyone seems to be an expert when your life is falling apart.

I let people tell me whatever they want, it's just part of my personality, however, when it comes to what I let sink into my mind and spirit, I am very guarded.

  • I'm not going to take relationship advice from someone who jumps from one toxic relationship to another.
  • I do not listen to "broke-jokes" tell me how to handle my money.
  • I certainly steer clear from religious people telling me about God. God isn't religious, humans created religion.

When my little brother died of an accidental overdose, I talked to people who lost a brother the same way.

When I lost my son Luke during his delivery, I did not try to speak with people who lost children who were older, I talked to people who could identify with the same exact circumstances.

I know what it's like to be in a funeral home and select from the smallest caskets that are made. Do I want to know what that feels like, absolutely not, but I do.

I know what it's like to hold a lifeless baby boy in my arms and question God's existence.

I know what it's like to lose a brother to addiction, does that make me proud, no it doesn't, but I can relate to siblings who have been through it or are just now experiencing such a terrible tragedy.

I have been through some dark, lonely times. I've gone through things I will not talk about publicly. I find comfort in the fact that I'm not alone, there is someone out there that has gone through the same junk and come out of it a better person.

I would say 2017 has been the worst year of my life, but also the best. I have lost much this year, but I have also gained much. I've been pushed around, kicked in the teeth by life and poor choices, but I'm still alive, because that's who I am now, I am a thriver.

I will not be labeled by my past or by my problems. I've done more than simply survive life's punches, I have taken them until they knocked me down and I have picked my bloody body off of this world's canvas and said, "Was that your best shot?"

You maybe reading this and you can't relate to some of the things I've shared, I get it. However, you can look at me and tell yourself, "he's right... Life isn't easy, but there is someone else out there who can relate to my mess and who has not only survived, but has learned to thrive in the face of adversity."

You are not alone! You are not the only one that is in a funk and can't seem to find your way through, there are others who KNOW what it's like.

You can make it through this, others have. If you are still alive, then there is Hope and where there is Hope, the impossible can become your new reality.

God knows where you are at and He not only will be there, He will connect you with people that know and have experienced the pain you feel.

Pick yourself up and get back in the fight, it's not over, today is the beginning, not the end.

"I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for." (Jeremiah 29:11)

Let your hope keep you joyful, be patient in your troubles, and pray at all times. (Romans 12:12)

1 comment:

  1. Nick.... to quote you above: "There is nothing more frustrating, in those times, than being consoled by someone who is clueless to your struggles."

    I like the article because it is hopeful. So many times I have found myself alone in my feelings and in search of someone who can really relate to those feelings from having been there themselves.

    My grief group recommends we lean into our respective grief. I did that: but, I felt the harder I leaned the quicker I would heal. I went full force "running against the wind," in the words of Bob Seger.

    Needless to say I nearly went down in flames and up in smoke. I have backslid in my grieving process and my very Christian beliefs are being challenged by the Devil, as I am physically and mentally weaker than I have been in years.

    I only mention this as your article offers hope. Without hope very little progress can be made. Hope offers us the possibility of something better; faith has strong roots in hope. Faith can lead us to restore or secure our relationship with Christ. It is a simple truth you offer up; yet, so very profound. Thank You for stirring up the ashes. From Your Friend, Denny Beck
