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Ohio organization reaches out to loved ones of heroin addicts

A newly formed nonprofit organization in Niles, Ohio will hold a kickoff event this evening to highlight the needs of loved ones of individuals with heroin addiction. The Help for the Hurting event will feature talks from officials such as Trumbull County Sheriff Tom Altiere, who the organization's founder praises for a caring approach to fighting the community's drug problems.

Help for the Hurting founder Nick Singelis expresses a general distaste for punitive approaches to combating the drug crisis. “We support the use of Vivitrol and believe that it's coldhearted to treat addicts as criminals,” Singelis stated in a March 7 news release.

The release adds, “Many addicts and recovering addicts have support groups, programs and many tools at their disposal, yet the family members and friends of these addicts have few places to turn to for support and information. That's one of the main goals of Help for the Hurting.”

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