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Nails have Names and Hold you in a sure Place

Isiah penned these words as the Spirit of God moved on him to write.

"And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father's house."

He was deemed the wisest man in the 66 books we commonly call the Bible, Solomon wrote these words in Ecclesiastes 12:11,  "The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd."

Nails hung Jesus on the Cross, but love kept him there. The Bible tells us, "He could have called 10,000 Angels," to save him from His fate, on the Cross.

Nails were driven into His hands and feet, but you and I certainly kept Him on that Cross. Like the serpent on the brazen pole, He would be lifted up, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me."

Nails— hurtful, difficult circumstances that painfully pin us down, they can come in a variety of shapes, forms and sizes.

My brother, my son and my past were my nails—sharp and pointed, driving home one reality: God was God and who was I to judge or to expect that he'd answer my prayers the way my will wanted?

Jesus Prayed - "Not My will, but Thy will be done."

Matthew, my only sibling, died from an overdose. One nail in my left hand.

Luke, my son, died in child birth, one nail in my right hand.

My past, the nail driven in my feet, one nail to keep me from walking, were I shouldn't walk again.

There I was, crucified with Christ but yet I live. My soulish nature, nailed to the cross, so I could die and the Spirit could do what is the perfect will of God in my life.

Nails have names. As you sit and ponder the nails in your life, remember this, in order to live you have to die. The form of death, is crucifixion. Not a pleasant experience, but a painful one. It will keep you on the Cross until you die.

You must die to your will, your ego, your goals, hopes and dreams, until you realize that your lifestyle must stay affixed to the Cross, so the Spirit of God that is in you, can perform it's work.

I don't know the names of your nails, but I know that until you are dead, you'll never live.

The Kingdom of God is the exact antonym to the kingdom of humanity. The poor are rich, the weak are strong, the last are first and the dead are alive.

Nails have names..... do not be ashamed of them, embrace your death, so you can have life and have it more abundantly.

These nails have held me and continue to hold me in that place where I identify, in a way otherwise unknown to me: with the suffering Christ who cries, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46, NIV)

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